Monday, December 30, 2013

Try Again?


SOO I only got a little halfway over my goal. I blame my laziness when summer started.
Excuses- I didn't want to take the kids with me to the Y bc they are too old for 2hr babysitting & ball rooms only open in evenings, I enjoyed our 1 mile walks out the road from the house but drivers are CRAZY, & no point in taking kids to park bc they just want to PLAY. And I'm def not leaving them alone. 

I look back & wish I would've kept pushing myself. Think of what I could've accomplished if I kept it up! I was on a roll! 
Just goes to show ya that everyone fails at something. If you can't do it right the first time, TRY AGAIN. 
SOO yeah, I'm here to tell you all....I'm going to try again. I have to do something. Ted even said he'll go in evenings with me & maybe do a class! Haha We'll see on that one ;)

I might do Weight Watchers again. This time with my sis. I lost a lot of weight after having Cody doing it but then Emma came along! So we'll see & I'll for sure blog about it. I miss sharing my ups & downs lol