Monday, June 24, 2013

Beautiful Day

To go for a walk w/the kiddos & my parents. It was HOT. But it was nice to get out of the house for a little bit :)

Now it's time for some ICE CREAM! 
(For the kids.....of course!) 


Sunday, June 23, 2013

We went exploring!

Well, hiking. I used to LOVE hiking. Don't get me wrong, I still do but OMG. I'm SOO out of shape. 
It didn't help that Ted & the kids decided to CLIMB A HILL. I mean like THE SIDE of a hill! I won't lie, I was terrified. I have the dirt on my pants & under my fingernails to show it lol
So was Emma but I hated to freak her out more so I kept quiet lol 
We made it. I survived. I DID IT! 
I'm not sure how many miles we went but I'm giving myself 2. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2nd walk this week :)

Ted walked w/me this evening. I wasn't going to go bc it felt soo humid out, but I pushed myself!! And having Ted with me helped. It's been awhile since we've been for a walk together :) 


OK, so I want to hit 200 miles before my bday, August 10. That's only 94 miles! If I don't hit it, I want to be CLOSE. Think I can do it? We'll see!! 

I just need to keep pushing & motivating myself to keep going. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Walking buddy needed :)

+2.05 miles alone this evening


I have so much stress in my life right now. I thought that last month of school was stressful.....but being home ALL DAY EVERYDAY with my kids is a pain! I love them, but they know how to drive me NUTS. My patience is being tested & I don't like it. I've thought about it. Maybe this is God's way of giving me a push to GO WALK. Walking is my stress relief & I get a lot of thinking (& talking if I have a buddy) done. 

I need a serious walking buddy. Someone who will plan days to walk with me & be my motivation, as I will for them! 

I like to walk by my house, at the Y or in Central Park in Ashland :)

OH, they PAVED out the road from my house! No more walking on gravel :) 
(Yeah, it's the little things lol)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Over 100 miles!!!

+5 miles 


I've walked over 100 miles! 
I'm a 1/3 of my way there!! :)

I gave myself 2 miles for walking all over Easton this weekend. We walked back & forth shopping everywhere. Wore me out but I had A LOT of fun!! 
The 3 other miles were from week before I walked at the Y. I'm goin to miss my Y days, but hopefully I can still go some this summer! 
I'm hoping to start walking daily w/the kids. Even if it's just out the road from our house for only a mile, I'll take it! Anything helps me get back on track to get my goal :)